Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Daily Readings for 1-16

The article about online discussion groups was well thought out. It's no surprise that online discussions allow quieter students to be more responsive. A teacher could use the online discussions to prompt further exploration into the content. I liked the Soto poem collection a lot better than Janet Wong's. I was able to better relate with Soto, and enjoyed the tone he used. I also liked how the poems felt very personal and real. Students could continue studying spacing and line length with Soto's collection.

English, Cathie. “Finding a Voice in a Threaded Discussion Group: Talking about Literature Online.” English Journal 97.1 (Sept 2007): 56-61.

Soto, Gary. Canto Familiar: A Poetry Collection. Orlando FL: Harcourt, 1995


René Saldaña, Jr. said...

Michael: I think you've already got the makings of a Craft Lesson for the Soto book of poems: the use of lines in poetry: how to decide on line lengths, breaks, what word to begin the next line with, what word to end this line on. It all is worth thinking about and a must if we want to make for the greatest impact with a poem.

Stephanie Wolf said...

I agree the Soto collection was much better then Wong's. I enjoyed Soto's better for the simple fact that he included a variety of topics, Wong's collection was all about driving and what goes along with driving.