Sunday, March 9, 2008

Street Love

I really enjoyed reading this book. At first I was turned off by the poetry and didn't know what was happening. As I started to understand how the book was written, I was able to pick up on the flow of the verses. This is a great retelling of Romeo and Juliet in contemporary times. Students could relate and identify with emotions and feelings described by characters in the story. I think students would enjoy reading the poetry because it is written in a concise and easily understood format. A lot of good lessons could be constructed by comparing Street Love to other books about love (especially Romeo and Juliet).

Myers, Walter Dean. Street Love. New York: Harper Collins, 2006.


René Saldaña, Jr. said...

After my first read-through of this book last year, I didn't think of the ROMEO AND JULIET connection. I did more this go-round. And I figure, an identical ending would be a bit much, and maybe turn readers off b/c of the tragic finale. So this way works really well, and shows the same kind of "do anything for love" theme.

Tricia McLaughlin said...

I totally agree! I don't think I would have liked the book as much if they had died at the end, especially considering the hardships they faced. It would have been too much for middle level kids.